Dried Wild Meadowsweet


This Meadowsweet has been picked wild in Courtown Woods or grown here in my own garden.

This Meadowsweet has been picked wild in Courtown Woods or grown here in my own garden.

Meadowsweet has been used in Ireland since Celtic Times for a number of uses.

Due to its its high contents of Salicylic Acid it has multiple uses:

Brewed as a tea alone, it is a wonderful digestive herbal drink that also acts as a painkiller

That same tea used as facial toner will reduce redness in inflammation and help reduce acne.

Powdered meadowsweet added to food will help prevent heartburn and indigestion

And is a game changer for UTIs as it kills all the nasty germs hiding in your bladder!

Just be aware that if you have an allergy to Aspirin, you may see similar reaction to meadowsweet, nor is it recommended to anyone suffering from Asthma as it can cause mild lung spasms which will make asthmatic symptoms worse.

Sold in 100gram packages


Sold in 100gram packages