Super Salve


Taking a collection of my favourite healing herbs, carefully dired and then infused into rich organic rapeseed oil from Kilkenny. This Salve is the ultimate healing bar! From burns, bites, blisters to spots, sores and scratches it has you covered!

Taking a collection of my favourite healing herbs, carefully dired and then infused into rich organic rapeseed oil from Kilkenny. This Salve is the ultimate healing bar! From burns, bites, blisters to spots, sores and scratches it has you covered!


  • Meadowsweet: anti-inflamatory and pain killing

  • Ribwort Plantain: soothing, draws out infections, bacteria and foreign objects like spinters and stings.

  • Ladies Mantle: speeds up skin healing, helping new skin to knit together

  • Self Heal: heals sores cuts and scratches, antiseptic and acts as an astringent so helpful with weeping wounds

  • Yarrow: antibacterial and also an astringent so helps stop bleeding and promote skin healing

  • Dandelion: helpful with bruises and muscular sprains and strains

  • Chamomile: soothing and calming on burnt or irritated skin

  • Beeswax: Antibacterial and also creates a waterproof barrier giving time for the oils to soak into the skin and to act as a barrier to further infection

And while this salve is a first aid salve first, it also acts as an utter amazing healing moisturiser on damaged or sore skin like sunburn, chemical irritations, and burns

Comes in a handy 100gram tin so you can bring it on holidays to treat mosquito bites and chillblains equally as easily!

Lightly scented with orange and lemon balm and a natural beautiful buttery yellow colour to lift your spirits