Common Irish Birds
They say one of the signs that you are growing old is a growing interest in bird watching. Being able to identify the ones fighting at the feeders you put up in the garden. Watching a blue tit or robin land at a picnic table and being able to spout off some cool and unusual bird fact would seem impressive to me!
So I have compiled some facts and food suggestions so you can get to know the feathered friends that live near you! There is even a downloadable PDF that you can save on your phone or print out and stick near the window to help! So lets get started!
What to Feed Garden Birds
Feeding birds isn’t just a winter thing—they’ll appreciate a good nutritious food year-round, especially during breeding season. During the Spring the birds here in Ireland are battered by the weather and at the same time are trying to find a mate and build a nest. Its a tough time. Once the eggs are laid, the female must stay well fed to help her keep the eggs warm and he must gather most of the food. Once the kids are born, they are on a constant rota of feeding from dawn to dusk!
Some birds then have a big migration journey to prepare for in the autumn, and while there are plenty of fruits and berries to gorge on. They still are competing with all the other birds at a time when biodiversity is really struggling. So the least thing you can do really is put a few fatballs or seeds out for them.
I put food out every morning and as I do, I whistle a few loud bursts. Before I’ve finished putting out the seeds, there are hundreds of birds landing in the branches of the surrounding trees. I get to feel like a Disney Princess every morning! I’d highly recommend it!

Seeds and Grains
Sunflower seeds (especially black ones, which are softer)
Nyjer seeds (great for goldfinches)
Mixed bird seed (without too many fillers like wheat)
Fruits and Berries
Chopped apples and pears
Raisins or sultanas (soaked first if they’re dry)
Fats and Suet
Fat balls or suet blocks (without netting, which can trap birds)
Plain, unsalted lard or suet mixed with seeds
Kitchen Scraps (in moderation)
Unsalted peanuts (crushed for smaller birds)
Mild grated cheese (Robins and Blackbirds in particular!)
Cooked rice or pasta (unsalted)

What to Avoid Feeding Birds
- Bread: It fills them up without providing much nutrition.
- Milk: Birds can’t digest it.
- Salted foods: Too much salt can be harmful.
- Mouldy food: Just like us, birds don’t fancy eating dodgy leftovers.
Creating a Bird-Friendly Garden
- Water: Fresh, clean water for drinking and bathing is essential. It doesn’t need to be anything fancy, an old mixing bowl, or casserole pot, get imaginative, but keep the water fresh, you’ll need to be able to empty, wash and refill it
- Shelter: Hedges, shrubs, and trees provide cover and nesting spots. Bird boxes can be bought or made and hung in lots of places.
- Native Plants: These attract insects, which many birds feed on. I’m always saying, leave a patch of your garden to nature if you can and in the autumn Leave the Leaves!
- Feeders and Tables: Place them somewhere safe from predators like cats.
Quick DIY Bird Feeder Recipe
If you fancy getting a bit crafty, here’s a simple fat ball recipe. This can be a fun thing to do with kids too, plus you can use up stuff like old breakfast cereals or those banana chips I always seem to have at the back of my cupboard.
- 250g plain suet or lard
- 500g mixed birdseed
- Optional raisins or other dried fruits
- Melt the suet or lard over low heat.
- Stir in the birdseed until it’s well coated.
- Spoon the mixture into moulds (like yoghurt pots) or roll into balls.
- Let them cool and harden.
- Hang them up or place them on a bird table.

There you have it—everything you need to make your garden a bird paradise. Enjoy the sights and sounds of nature right on your doorstep, and remember: every chirp and flutter is a little bit of joy. If you want to get out and start birdwatching you can download this PDF and keep it handy!