Plant a Tree

HomeAboutTree Planting

Grow Tomorrow

There’s no better way to contribute to the fight against climate change and to leave a lasting legacy than planting a tree. It is estimated that the average person needs to plant approximately 800-900 trees in their lifetime to make them carbon neutral. Thats a lot of trees… So, here’s a few ways to make it easier!

Irish Native Woodland Trust

Sponsor a tree(s) at one of their many Tree Planting Events or go along and plant your own. Learn more about this great organisation here: 

Hylands Nursery – Oulart

If you want to plant a tree or two in your own garden, then keep it local! Head out to John Joe in Oulart for a great selection of native species and some real practical advice. Find out more here: 

Hyland’s Nursery Are Growers Of Mature Hedging And Trees (  

Seal Rescue Ireland

By taking care of the earth, the seas will be healthier. That’s why Seal Rescue Ireland has committed to planting 20,000 native trees across Wexford. Learn more here: 

Shop – Seal Rescue Ireland

This business is committed to planting 1 million trees by 2023. Donate a tree or join them on a tree planting day! Find out more here:

Crann – Trees for Ireland | Working for Trees and Woodlands 

Come Gallivanting!